7 MSMS to a customer TCI, USA

TVC ( Televizijos ir rysio sistemos) have produced 7 mobile spectrum monitoring stations (MSMS) to a loyal customer TCI International, Inc., USA.
Three MSMS was constructed on Toyota Landcruiser Wagon LC 200, two MSMS built on Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 519 CDI and 2 MSMS on trailers.
TVC was able to meet the strict technical and schedule requirements and fulfill all customer’s needs due to long lasting partnership with TCI and processes which were developed over the period of cooperation and made manufacturing and supply of stations possible in the shortest timeframes.
TCI International, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of SPX Corporation. TCI provides turn-key solutions for spectrum management and monitoring, direction finding, geolocation and communications intelligence to civilian, government, military and intelligence agencies as well as antennas for communications and high-power radio broadcasting. TCI is headquartered in Fremont, California, USA. For more information, visit www.tcibr.com.