TVC has upgraded the OB Van for the Lithuanian National Radio and Television

Televizijos ir rysio sistemos has upgraded the OB Van for the Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT).
During the upgrade process, new 12-channel video server XTVIA-HD12 EVS company with Multicam(LSM) remote controller was integrated into the video/audio system of the OBVan.
The system upgrade meant combining the old, new video server and data array into a single system, which required upgrading the old XT3 video server as well.
In the end, OBVan has got a system of 20 flexible configuration HD channels, with 3 workplaces (one was newly created), which use a single database, so enables complete media control from ingest to playout, including live editing, slow motion replays, multi-channel playback and transfer to third-party systems.
About LRT
Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT) is a non-profit, government funded public broadcaster that has been providing regular radio services since 1926 and television broadcasts since 1957. LRT operates three national television, three radio channels and internet portal. It also provides satellite and live internet broadcasts, radio and television podcasts. LRT joined European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in 1993.